Signal to Noise - Gigs

s2n2s2n began as a trio consisting of Sandra Bogerd, nyp, and sqgl.
Son of Zev stepped in for a few gigs while the band toyed with a more techno sound. In 1998 Sandra's Academic commitments meant that s2n's core reduced to two members: sqgl & nyp but
Kundalini (vox) & Geoff Senz (pcssn) completed a more-or-less steady lineup until the 1999-2008 hiatus when
Kundalini went on world trip (marriage & honeymoon with Krusty) and
sqgl began travels to SE Asia (which continued through to 2007).
nyp then mixed/produced hip-hop act Pan (who became TZU) for a few years before moving to Warburton.
Geoff continued with his folk/celtic band Lothlorian.

Upcoming (2009)




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