"shit, it's in the wrong city! let us know how it goes..."
                                                --- SydneyClanster

It's in the right city as it turns out.
I heard cops aren't (on the average) as cool in Sydney as here in Melbourne.
Here they closed it down 40 minutes after the first synth cried to life.
All very civil civil tho.
They could sense it was something really beautiful but they find it
just as hard to break their daily grind as we do.
The actual owners asked to have it shut down: Elaine & David Mariner.
(Own a lot of prestigous sites in Melbourne)
We understand David was merely pissed off to be bothered when he was
already in bed early on a Sunday.
  Maybe he was chillin' listening to
  Hybrid+ContinentalDrift @PBS-FM in Melbourne
    and DoubleNegative for the insane that can't break the night-cycle
  saner hours but 
 that would require
becoming a machine in order to 
get money from the machine in order to survive.
Want to make money from being human. Very hard. Ughhhh!

I wanted to be a machine for a while...
But back to David:
we were told he is a bit of a patron of the arts so we'll speak to him 
tomorrow if we get the time and look into getting him in on a formal event.
The Mariners might wanna collaborate artisticly. Who knows?

Hey sorry to wake you up David ;)
Just imagine how sorry we were to have to pack up so soon.
But it may all end up being thoroughly worth it.


Reported by MrMiddle for the Undesirable Propagation Unit.