AntiOrp @PlantSyntaxDiffusion

Well Antiorp apparantly crashed the computer and none too 
soon. The\is was allmost old school 60's academic 
compouter music washed out to an unengaging ring 
modulated and filter swept mush. initially I wanted to like it, 
it sounding so nostalgic, but even I have a limit. Therev were 
some aspects I can comment fovourably though. There was 
use of a vocal sample modulated to be only just 
indistinguishable and all the more intriguing for that. There 
was LOTS of use of Subotnik like washes of electronic boingy sounds anchored by a shifting 
reveberative drone that anchored the fleeting frequencies in a 
manner that reminded me of the use of the tamboura in 
Indian music

Perhaps this was a piece in several distinct parts - on the 
whole a little disjointed, but with each discernable 'section' 
having some internal consistency to it. Wrecked though by 
the thoroughly overwhelming indulgence in what has gone 
before. A shame.


Contributed to the Undesirable Propagation Unit by agent AlanBamford