Normandeau @PlantSyntaxDiffusion

The Fox and The Rose.

A concert suite composed from two sound sources... the 
music of a radio adaption of the Little Prince by Antione De 
Saint Exupery and the actors voices  who did the radio 
adaption. A long spiel follows in the program and the piece 
seems to have concern with onomatopoeia and babble. 
French in origin.

Cds seem to be available and I suggest Synaesthesia as Mark 
was babbling on about this after. His favourite piece of the 

Well for me this piece was a little bloated, but I need to say 
that for want of any other term, Im into minimalism in 
general.. so sonorously diffuse music is often confusing to 
me. This was a very beautiful piece... sound washed over us 
like waves on the shore, chugging splashes of sound, a little 
more aggressive than other pieces on the night and the piece 
again was marked by the precisopn and timbre of computer 
generated music. Im not the greatest  fan of this 'sound' and 
enjoy it best when its mixed with less anally retentive 
arrangement devices... like tape loops and the sound of 
babies crying for example.
I found it as I said, sonically diffuse and the sections that 
were more focussed and simpler were more captivating to 
me.... got me thinking about the elemental attraction of 
simple ideas deeply investigated and reminded me of why I 
never enjoyed a lot of Stockhausens music when I was in my 
20's and why the likes of Tony Conrad takes years off my life.
So there seemd a hotch potch quality to sections of the 
piece, though they were for me rescued by several 
humourous dislocations injected at unpredicatble points.
By this time I had figured there was a language here that I 
wasn't privy to and maybe I shouldnt be doing this. But I 
chose to ignore that.


Contributed to the Undesirable Propagation Unit by agent AlanBamford