What Sort of Games?
Just some of the games planned for the PlayHaus:

* QUIET SPACE - as at past ConFests. Subliminal communication. 
  This time "mind-reading" would not be mentioned or associated with the 
  exercises, thus leaving interpretation unbiased and encouraging playfulness.

* DICE - Based on the infamous novel "The Dice Man". The players decide
  in advance what each possible dice throw combination will result in.
  Consensus on all of the options is reached before an dice are thrown.

* META DANCE - Communication through movement. 
  eg#1 pairing off and mimicking each others movements
  eg#2 everyone move around randomly but making sure at least one point of
       body contact is maintained with another in the group.

* MASK MAKING - materials provided for a special workshop. Masks would
  be left in the PlayHaus area for future games. Masks help remove inhibition.

* TALKING SCHTICK - "I've got the Conch!" The hippie talking-stick 
  concept gets too solemn and gets steamrolled by aggressive individuals
  shouting requests to "address the stick". Using a high tech Japanese
  holographic ruler with moving pictures adds some silliness to the affair
  and often results in the "talker" getting side-tracked into silence 
  (a good thing) as s/he gets engrossed in the "stick" in hand.


Nurtured by the Undesirable Propagation Unit.