How many times have you put up with 
an obnoxious personality simply because you hoped to get laid?
But fucking with that type of person is 
more than anyone should have to endure, 
and if you're open-minded you don't have to.
You don't have to say "Hey, you're looking good," or give any other
such insincere compliments. Why, you don't even have to talk at all -
unless you want to.

However, I talk to my dead lovers... quite often.
And, of course, you never have trouble with ego-shrinking complaints
about your abilities. A corpse will never overwork you and
they never get tired. You leave them satisfied every time.
They really are all different... 
They have personality, tenderness and a sense of humour
(some grab you in the funniest of places and won't let go).
You even get feedback - you know you have been dynamite if you warm one up.
I swear I made this one girl sweat, and no live girl could have handled me
that night.