Pornography, TV, materialism, the "beauty" industry etc are much more
insidious "diseases" in the West that need to be questioned and "treated".
In fact what is seen as SchizoPhrenia is often just a reaction to these.

Car crashes ironically increase a country's GrossDomesticProduct
far more than better roads or public transport could.
Similarly the above listed ills of capitalism fuel the economy
as does the treatment of the "official" diseases such as SchizoPhrenia.

Conservative media tend to focus on the SchizoPhrenic as the problem
rather than society's non-acceptance of an alternative world-view.
It is time people with so-called schizophrenic "symptoms"
stood up and called themselves SchizoPhrenic - to own the term and diffuse
its derogatory connotation. Maybe then social problems will be examined and 
treated at their root rather than resources being thrown into a losing 
"fight" against the reactionaries of this world.

Supported by the Undesirable Propagation Unit.