Being quite stoned, my paranoia grew and grew.
Maybe she had fallen in love with "the other" and *I* was now the 
"optional extra". While she was out searching for me I thought to
seize the opportunity to climb down and search her room for
incriminating love letters. *If* I could climb down that is.

My toes did not reach the gate (the gate I had jumped up from to lift myself
up onto the roof earlier). And I now noticed that the manoeuvre placed
me only inches away from a power line. So I waited. And waited.

As distressed as I was 40 minutes later,
I laughed at the ridiculousness of the situation, 
eventually managing to return to earth safely.
Rummaging through her room I found nothing to indicate a secret
allegiance to "him" so I rang her best friend and tried bluffing.

  "We're through. I know she is in love with him, 
   I just want to know how long it has been going on for."

  "I knew she had a crush on him, but that was *it* I thought."

The friend seemed genuinely surprised, and quite sympathetic.
I paid her taxi fare to come over and play
go-between in the confrontation that would no doubt soon come.

The fear of losing her did turn out to be a false alarm and 
my anger subsided once it was discussed calmly with the friend mediating.
With the two of us back in her bedroom again I felt relieved but
severely depressed.


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Created for the Undesirable Propagation Unit.