Governments Raw on Terror

Scott Parkin, Peace Activist Deported Without Reason

Triple Jay Radio National

In an act of abuse of power predating the infamous Haneef Case, ASIO deported US Peace activist Scott Parkin from Australia in 2005 and refused to give evidence for their reasoning.

Because there was no looming election (unlike the Haneef case), Labor kept quiet but Greens New Window leader Bob Brown spoke up asking for a Senate Inquiry, New Window and called for the arrest of those responsible for an illegal leak of false allegations New Window that appeared in The Australian newspaper.

What is known is that Parkin was lecturing globally about the profiteering of USA Vice President Dick Cheney's old employer Halliburton New Window from the Iraq war. Cheney was CEO of this multinational corporation from 1995 until 2000.

Wikipedia has more details on Scott Parkin New Window and the current state of the Federal Court Challenge. The next crucial date is the 21st September, 2007 at the Federal Court in Melbourne where many hope a fatal blow will be dealt to the election aspirations of the Howard regime and its nefarious unwinding of democracy.

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